The purpose in writing this journal is to help me keep track of what my son and I are doing in our Lyme healing journey. Since I would also like to share this information with those interested I felt it necessary to do up a quick draft of what we are doing presently. The first short part is about what we have currently added to our protocol. The rest of this entry is information from The Hansa Center's website on what the supplements are for.
July 11 2009, I started to take Neuro-Antitox II Basic from Jernigan Neutracuticals – 1 or 2 times per day. After a couple of weeks I have increased the Basic Neuro formula to 2 times per day, always, and the CNS (Central Nervous System) once per day.
At the same time started taking 1 or 2 MolyB per day.
(see next page for descriptions of supplements used)
Jason, my son is taking the CNS Formula 3 times per day at 4 weeks- after slowly working up from 1 or 2 per day. He prefers to take only that one formula for now, along with 1 or MolyB’s.
We received Microbojen™, Cardio Formula and Musculo/Skeletal Formula on Aug 6 2009 by airmail.
(Along with both of Dr. Jernigan’s books)
Background Info on Formulas/ Supplements
Neuro-Antitox II Basic™ | ||
Made by Jernigan Nutraceuticals
The Basic formula is good for global detoxification of the Lyme toxins, heavy metals, and for those who are unsure which specific Neuro-Antitox II™ Formula to take. This formula does not contain any sarcobioenergetic potencies.
The chief ingredient in all of the Neuro-Antitox II™ formulas is a novel use botanical, Silphium laciniatum. Out of 5000 different natural botanicals, minerals, nutraceuticals, and pharmaceuticals tested using Bio-Resonance Scanning™, Silphium tested superior to them all for detoxifying the Lyme-specific neurotoxins.
The Neuro-Antitox II™ formulas also contain the next best substance identified as a synergistic (supportive) botantical along with the Silphium -- Pale Spike Lobelia. The only difference between the Musculo-Skeletal, and CNS/PNS formulas is the use of Sarco-bioenergetic Potencies™, which may act as driving agents (to direct the Silphium and Pale Spike to the specific tissues where they are needed, instead of just circulating around the body randomly).
The Basic formula does not have any of these Sarcobioenergetic Potencies™ and is therefore good when you are not sure which formula you need, or for more global symptoms.
The combined effect of these key ingredients makes the Neuro-Antitox II™ Formulas an absolute necessity in any wellrounded treatment plan.
To minimize any Herxheimer reaction, I recommend that Neuro-Antitox II™ dietary supplement be taken for at least one week before beginning any antibiotic or other medical/alternative treatment. Remember, Herxheimer reactions are caused by toxins, and the Neuro-Antitox II™ Formulas are designed to mop up, bind up, and break down these Lyme-related toxins to eliminate any adverse reactions to the Lyme bacteria die-offs.
Besides Silphium laciniatum's function as an amazing anti-neurotoxin, it was successfully used in times long passed to treat various cancers, all forms of asthma, and bronchitis, and it was effective in breaking down mucus in the tissues. Resonance testing reveals that Silphium may also bind heavy metals and break down isopropyl alcohol and benzene accumulations, adding to its phenomenal arsenal of beneficial effects.
Overall detoxification can be supported by simply drinking eight ounces of purified water every hour to keep the everyday metabolic toxins flushed out of the tissues. Some patients have difficulty drinking water, so putting fresh lemon juice or Ningxia Red™ wolfberry juice in the cool (but not cold) water makes it easier to drink more water per day.
As a general recommendation, take 1-2 droppers, 2-3 times per day, with or without food. It may be that you have to use more than one formula if there are problems in multiple areas, in which case 1-2 droppers are recommended from each corresponding Formula.
Perfect-7 Protocol Dosage:
- Teens-adults: Take 1-2 droppers under the tongue, 2-3 times per day, 10 minutes away from food or drink
- 7-13 years of age: 1 dropper, 2 times per day.
- Use 10 drops, 2-3 times per day for children under 6 years of age. Always consult your natural health professional before starting any child on any herbal formula.
Ingredients: Silphium laciniatum aerial extract and Pale Spike Lobelia aerial extract, Crystal Clear™ Distilled Water, and 20% pharmaceutical-grade alcohol.
Perfect-7 Protocol © 2008 Dr. David A. Jernigan and
CNS/PNS is for those suffering primarily from problems in the brain, meninges, and peripheral nerves from Lyme toxins and heavy metals. Indications include, but are not limited to, cognitive disturbances, dizziness, vertigo, disturbances in vision, neuritis (nerve inflammation), neuralgia (nerve pain), numbness, palsies, and headaches.
As a general recommendation, take 1-3 droppers, 2-3 times per day, with or without food. It may be that you have to use more than one formula if there are problems in multiple areas, in which case 1-2 droppers are recommended from each corresponding Formula
Molybdenum (MolyB) is a trace mineral that can dramatically aid in the detoxification of the toxins caused by the dysfunction of multiple tissues in chronic illness. Molybdenum is very useful for detoxifying the toxin aldehyde from the die-off of Candida-type yeast. This is important to Lyme sufferers due to the fact that aldehydes are also considered neurotoxins, or nerve poisons. Aldehydes are also the toxins responsible for the hangover experienced by drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. I know of many Lyme patients who complain of this hung-over feeling without having drunk any alcohol. (However, it is our experience that it will not completely detoxify the specific Bb toxin.) Taking molybdenum will help slow the degeneration of tissues and related symptoms from the toxic overload.
Instead of taking a pain killer for a headache, Molybdenum can be taken for a toxic headache instead.
One can also take it before consuming any alcohol. The Molybdenum will bind the alcohol and will help prevent any buzz or hang over.
Molybdenum ingredients: Molybdenum, Glycine, Aspartic Acid, Citric Acid, Soy Protein Powder, Maltodextrin, and Rice Powder. Vegetarian capsules.
Musculo/Skeletal formula is for those suffering primarily from muscle and joint problems as the result of Lyme toxins and heavy metals. Indications: Muscle and joint pain and weakness, sensations in the extremities of burning, tingling, radiating pain, swelling, arthritic, and rheumatic conditions.
As a general recommendation, take 1-3 droppers, 2-3 times per day, with or without food. It may be that you have to use more than one formula if there are problems in multiple areas, in which case 1-2 droppers are recommended from each corresponding Formula
Use Cardio for those suffering primarily from heart problems from Lyme toxins and heavy metals. Indications: angina, palpitations, hypertension, arrhythmia, valve problems, shoulder and arm pain, shortness of breath, chronic fatigue.
Microbojen™ is the broadest-acting formula I have developed. The spectrum and complexity of the microbes factored into this frequency-matched formula far surpasses any real-life scenario of possible infection, short of biological warfare. It is a well-balanced and gentle formula for all of its power in facilitating the body's own integrity in the presence of an amazing array of the world's worst microbes.
Perfect-7 Protocol Microbojen™ Dosage:
- Teens-adults: Take 1-2 droppers, 2-3 times per day in water, with or without food.
- 7-13 years of age: 1 dropper, 2 times per day in water.
- Use 10 drops, 2-3 times per day for children under 6 years of age. Always consult your natural health professional before starting any child on any herbal formula.
Like all of the Jernigan Nutraceuticals formulas, Microbojen™ is frequency-matched to provide the body with the information and building blocks it needs to overcome and control specific problems. None of the formulations of Lymogen™, Borrelogen™, or Microbojen™ treat disease in the classic sense of the term. They are not "antibiotics," although they provide the body with the specific informational frequencies needed to overcome and control microbes. They are instead designed to work with God's design of the human body, instead of "doing for the body what the body should do for itself," as most prescription drugs do.
Microbojen™ was initially developed in an effort to prepare for the worst-case scenario of biological warfare. Bio-Resonance Scanning™ was used to simulate the worst condition we could think of. We simulated that "if" a person had, all at the same time, the following microbes, what corrective frequencies would the body need to overcome them?
We tested for a hypothetical person infected with Lyme Borrelia, smallpox, anthrax, HIV, hepatitis B and C, West Nile Virus, Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus, and Bubonic plaque, all at the same time.
Obviously, this is an unlikely event; however, by formatting the test for such a condition, it is likely that the resulting botanical formula, Microbojen™, will be highly effective against a wide range of the world's worst "designer microbes." The end result of this research, Microbojen™, just so happens to test amazingly well against an equally evil microbe -- Lyme spirochetes and their partners, Babesia microti, Ehrlichia, and the many viruses found in chronic sufferers.
Microbojen™ ingredients: Tragopogon planta (tota), Isatis root, Lasiosphaera fungus, Scrophularia root, Oldenlandia herb, Moutan peony bark, Phellodendron bark, Poria cocos sclerotium, Glycerrhizae uralnsis radix, Crystal Clear™ Distilled Water, and 20% pharmaceutical-grade alcohol.
All suggested supplements are our best recommendation and never should be considered a prescription. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The product(s) mentioned on this page are designed to improve the functional performance of the human body, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult your own personal physician before beginning any prescription medications, natural supplement, or treatment program, especially if you are pregnant or nursing.
Text & Perfect-7 Protocol © 2008 Dr. David A. Jernigan and
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