To address and support the needs of those living through Lyme, as well as their families and loved ones; serving to educate about the harsh realities of how wide-spread Lyme has become.
Since most Lyme patients have faced more than their fair share of opposition on the journey to getting medical treatment, Lyme Love is here to help bring a spirit of compassion.

More effective medical support is direly needed. Far too may people are suffering, needlessly, silently, even dying. With readily available medical treatment the Lyme epidemic could be held at bay.
Many people believe that with reliable testing the statistics would show that Lyme is growing at a rate faster than AIDS! We ask ourselves then, "Why are Lyme patients finding themselves caught in a political debate over the definition of Lyme Disease?".
Lyme Love was created to help give a voice to the thousands of Lyme patients, both those already diagnosed and those mis and un-diagnosed.
We deserve medical treatment! While the medical community debates over the definitions and criteria, we are still sick.
All those who have survived Lyme are truly pioneers with unrelenting determination. Those "in-the-know" about Lyme understand that with early detection and treatment Lyme has a much higher success rate of being fully healed.

The medical community must listen! We are not going to just go away! We demand accurate, readily available, affordable testing. We demand access to the best known treatments.
Those with M.S., Autism, A.L.S., Parkinsons, Fibro, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lupus, (plus many other conditions) all deserve to be tested for TBI's, to determine what part Lyme may have played in their illnesses.
We deserve the truth about where Lyme came from and what information has been suppressed from the public.
Our voices cannot be silenced! We have suffered long enough. Countless numbers of us battling Lyme ourselves are also mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters of Lyme "victims". It is common for several members in the same family to all have Lyme, many the entire family, in Lyme endemic regions.
Many of us were angry so long that our anger has now transformed into sheer determination.
We demand to be have our medical needs re-examined fully.
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