Monday, December 28, 2009

Neck Symptoms Still on My List

Symptoms Still On My List

Neck Discomfort

I have lived my life pretty much headache free. In my twenties I had a short problem with low blood sugar. This would cause headaches off and on for a few years until I altered my diet to include avocados and sound primal eating habits.

In the year 2000 I started to get headaches, different kinds. I felt something was wrong. After basic blood work my GP felt it was just stress. A single mother with a 6 and 14 year old along with a ‘career’ that was becoming more and more stressful.

My right eye also started to twitch sometime around 2000 as well. Finally by 2003 I knew something was seriously wrong yet still my blood work showed nothing according to my doctor. The base of my skull would hurt so badly it was all I could think about from 2002-2003. Other headaches were also a daily occurrence. My muscles, mostly on my right were tight and spastic, like they did not know how to rest after working.

I still get daily headaches, like a constant dull ache. Yet the severe headaches are more rare now and generally do not go over a few days in duration. With Lyme Disease and co-infections I find there are many different forms of headaches, some from muscle tightness others straight chemistry related.

In 2006 I was diagnosed with mid-stage Osteoarthritis in two neck vertebrae and two in the lower back. I was required for insurance reasons after being rear-ended at a stop sign to see a Rheumatologist and an Internal Medicine Specialist. My neck was very sore before the car accident, so although it may not have caused my neck problems it certainly did add complications. I had a three month long intense constant headache after the car accident. Interestingly that this worsening head pain and neck problem led me to Dr. Murakami in the same year to get a second opinion on my health. This provided an answer for not only the neck issues but also for countless other health problems that had started six years earlier. I was one of the ‘lucky’ ones, in that it only took 7 doctors for me to get an accurate diagnosis.

Every few months my neck seems to flare up and cause severe headaches. I still go for Chiropractic adjustments as they help a great deal. Lately the arthritis is flaring up causing me to slow down and rest my neck often on a pillow. I’ve been sewing slowly again since I had to sew up some new shapes for me to rest with.

With lifestyle management living with late Lyme and co-infections can be manageable, yet as the New Year approaches I still dream of a complete cure and medical support that truly helps.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Under Our Skin ~ Drawing Attention on the Road to The Oscar's

The aw
ard winning documentary Under Our Skin is a tale of money, microbes and a medical system that is failing us. U.O.S. exposes the growing, hidden epidemic of Lyme Disease and the controversy surrounding it. The film follows patients and physicians fighting for their lives and their livelihoods.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences on November 19 2009, announced that Under Our Skin was selected as one of the 15 finalists competing for “Best Documentary Feature” in the 82nd Academy Awards®.

A few reviews about the film.

"Makes a powerful a well-made thriller, gets under your skin."(full article)
- Michael O'Sullivan, The Washington Post

- Stephen Holden, New York Times

"Fascinating...artful and compelling." (full article)
- Frank DiGiacomo, Vanity Fair

More reviews on UOS's website

Into the Light Gala Theatrical premiere of Under Our Skin

Into the Light Gala was held at the Ballantyne Village Theater on March 20 2009.

Hosted by the Jemsek Specialty Clinic of South Carolina, the event was sponsored by the highly successful, New York City based Turn the Corner Foundation, a not-for-profit public charity dedicated to the support of research, education, awareness and innovative treatments for Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases. Co-sponsoring the event was The National Capital Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Association, a charity with more than 1800 members in the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. area that dedicates itself to improving the quality of life for people suffering from Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses.

Video from Into the Light Gala premiere

Dr. Jemsek starts speaking at the 6 minute mark in the video.

Under Our Skin has been attracting a lot of media attention helping to further the cause of educating the world about the realities of an epidemic that is flying under the radar. A recent review about the film being on the Oscar's Short list paints UOS in a less than desirable light. Click below for the article from the movie critic Owen Gleiberman.

He starts the review off by criticizing the branch members of not watching the films by saying,
This year’s list, though, isn’t just lackluster — there’s something fundamentally off about it. It’s almost perverse. Compiled by a star chamber of Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences voters (it’s not specified how many of the 151 documentary branch members actually watch the films and produce the final roster), the list omits far too many of the documentaries — like, nearly all of them — that were sought out by audiences and acclaimed by critics. It ignores too many of the movies that were seen, praised, and loved."

For every person who was not impressed by this film I have spoken to 50 that were.

I was surprised UOS did not receive a positive review from him , since he claims the following,
just a couple of paragraphs after his comments on
"Look, I see and I praise — at times on a weekly basis – documentaries that seek to make a difference in the world. I believe in that kind of mission filmmaking. Yet part of the extraordinary renaissance of documentary filmmaking in our time has been, more than ever, to liberate the art of non-fiction from the furrowed-brow imperatives of social justice. Yes, Hoop Dreams (1994) is a great film, but it was really Crumb (1995), arguably the most haunting documentary of its era, that pushed the form toward an almost novelistic dimension."

The part of the review on UOS is this:
Yet as I look over this list, I see far too many movies that don’t belong there — and, frankly, too many that made it because they were about subjects that rendered them “worthy.” Take, for instance, Under Our Skin, a documentary about Lyme disease that embraces, with bits and pieces of skimpy evidence and a whole lot more paranoid leftist fervor, the notion that “chronic Lyme disease” is a condition that the medical establishment is locked in a conspiracy to deny the existence of. The filmmakers actually bungle what should have been their real subject (that the belief in chronic Lyme disease has become something of a cult, one that can ruin the lives of the people who think they have it). But the bottom line, to me, is that Under Our Skin is not a very well-made movie. It played in theaters for about two minutes, and frankly, that’s more or less what it deserved."

Notice nowhere does he claim to have watched the film. Especially interesting since he does comment on this at the beginning- and seems rather critical over this when it is others who 'judge' films without watching them. Maybe he did watch it and just forgot to mention it.

I was hoping to pull apart what he said, however there really isn't anything to respond to because it is all so vague. I say thank you for writing 'poor' review 'poorly'. He is insulting to say the least- and seems to be trying hard to be. I think he has discredited himself enough by the lack of relevant content on UOS. Why does he not like it? I'm still not sure - yet now I am indifferent to his opinions so I won't be reading anything else from this writer. He leaves me with nothing compelling to understand his point of view.

The article by Owen finishes with:
"Dare I use the F-word? They should be fun. This list just isn’t.

So which documentaries have you seen this year that you think should be nominated for the Oscar?"

The answer to the question is Under Our Skin.

The critical way he speaks of UOS has little to do with the actual movie and more about the topic it is about. Yet it is still an emotional response. He is stepping out of place with such a 'review'. Maybe just an attention grabbing tactic- who knows. The Lyme controversy did not just start with this man's opinion, yet it is all too typical when people have been kept in the dark so long about an epidemic that is in their own backyard. Scary stuff and we do expect a lot of denial along this way. If "Lyme" is real, then what does that mean? It means we have very big problem!

Get educated people and save yourself a lot of aggravation. Do your own homework- and don't listen to most "opinions" on Lyme and tick borne infections. Get to the 'right' sources- and there are many now.

Full review from EW:

Watch the trailer of the film here.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Powerful Pumpkin

Autumn is in full swing once again. It's the time of the year when many are picking out the "perfect" pumpkin to carve into the family's Jack-O-Lantern. This is a family tradition that children look forward to every year. Pumpkins have much to offer us beyond decorations and pie filling.

The pumpkin, is a member of the Cucurbita family. This family also includes squash and cucumbers, and got its name from the Greek word "pepon" for large melon. Seeds (pepitas) have been found in Mexico, dating back 7000 years to 5500 B.C.

Native Americans have many uses for pumpkins. The uses of isqoutm, or isquotersquash as they were called, varied from functional to healing. Dry thin strips of pumpkin, were flattened, and then used to make mats. Research shows that many Native American tribes were well aware of the pumpkin's healing properties.

  • Yuma tribes created an emulsion from pumpkin seeds and watermelon to help heal wounds. The seed oil was also used to treat burns and wounds.
  • Catawabas ate pumpkin seeds either fresh or dry as a medicine for kidney support.
  • Menominees mixed powdered squash and water to for urinary support.
  • Modern folk healers believe the pumpkin to be beneficial in ridding the body of intestinal worms and also believe the ground stem of the pumpkin brewed into a tea may help ease women during their menstrual cycle.

Pumpkin seeds, are a "Power Food". Not only are pumpkin seeds full of Vitamin K, manganese, magnesium, L-tryptophan, copper, zinc, phosphorous and iron, but they are also a great source of fiber for our diet and protein.

Research has revealed many health benefits from pumpkin seeds. The green pumpkin seeds you may have seen in your local health food store, are called Pepitas. The Pepitas are covered by a hard off white colored shell and are usually raw when sold. When baking seeds at home, from your pumpkin, the outside is toasted too and eaten.


Bake unpeeled in halves or wedges, seeds and pulp removed, flesh side down in a pan with a little water at 350F / 180C, 60-90 minutes.
chunks, covered, in a basket over boiling water, 15-20 minutes.
chunks 8-12 minutes
Roasting Seeds: Wash under strainer and clean off excessive pulp. Put seeds on baking sheet and add about 1 tablespoon per cup of seeds, and sea salt (1⁄2-1 teaspoon per cup of seeds). Bake at 250 degrees F. until done.

Antioxidant Rich

Beta carotene---The rich orange color is a dead give away to the nutrients present in pumpkin. Research shows that people who eat a diet rich in beta-carotene are less likely to develop certain cancers than those who fail to include beta-carotene-rich foods in their diet.

Potassium---Studies show people who have a potassium rich diet lower the risk for hypertension. Potassium rich foods include bananas, broccoli, avocados, pomegranate and many others.

Zinc---Not only is zinc a major boost for your immune system, it also aids in bone density support for people at risk for osteoporosis.

High in Fiber---Diets rich in fiber may prevent cancer, heart disease and other serious ailments.

Health Benefits

Prostate Cancer

There have been many stories linking the pumpkin seed to a healthy prostate. But what is so special about these little green seeds one might ask. The protective compounds present within the seed of the pumpkin, called phytosterols, may be responsible for shrinking the prostate. They also contain chemicals that may prevent some transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). High levels of DHT are associated with enlarged prostate.

For BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or enlarged prostate) prevention, eating a handful (about 1 ounce) of shelled pumpkin seeds three times a week is recommended.

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits in Arthritis

Unlike the widely used anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin, pumpkin seeds do not increase damaged fat levels in the lingus joints, a common side effect associated with indomethacin which contributes to the progression of arthritis.

Great on your skin

Pumpkins contains lots of anti-oxidant vitamins A and C, as well as zinc and alpha-hydroxy-acids which helps to reduce the signs of aging.

Pumpkin Nutrition Facts (1 cup cooked, boiled, drained, without salt)

  • Calories 49
  • Protein 2 grams
  • Carbohydrate 12 grams
  • Dietary Fiber 3 grams
  • Calcium 37 mg
  • Iron 1.4 mg
  • Magnesium 22 mg
  • Potassium 564 mg
  • Zinc 1 mg
  • Selenium .50 mg
  • Vitamin C 12 mg
  • Niacin 1 mg
  • Folate 21 mcg
  • Vitamin A 2650 IU
  • Vitamin E 3 mg

Pumpkins are 90 percent water!!

Curried Pumpkin Soup with Maple Caramelized Onions

The following on Chemical and Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage is from the site:

Storage and handling: Pumpkins can be stored for 1-2 months in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area. Once cut into, pumpkin will keep refrigerated in a loosely sealed plastic bag for about a week. Wash outside of pumpkin before cutting to prevent spoiling more quickly.
Chemical Composition.
—Pumpkin seeds are composed of 25 per cent of husks and 75 per cent of kernels, and contain upward of 33 per cent of a reddi sh fixed oil, which, according to Kopylow (Amer. Jour. Pharm., 1877, p. 23), consists of the glycerides of palmitic, myristic, and oleic acids. These als o occur partly in the free state. No alkaloid was found in the seeds, nor the glucosid, cucurbitin, of Dorner and Wolkowitsch (1870). According to Dr. L. Wolff (Amer. Jour. Pharm., 1882, p. 382), the active (taenifuge) principle is a greenish-brown, acrid, bitter resin (Heckel, 1875) not contained in the petroleum-benzin extract of the seeds, but in the extract obtained with ether. It is also soluble in alcohol and chloroform. Its dose, as a taenifuge, is 1 5 grains, in pill form. The fatty oil is soluble in absolute, but not in 95 per cent alcohol (W. E. Miller, ibid., 1891, p. 385). Air-dried pumpkin seeds contain about 3.7 per cent of ash. The juice of pumpkin pulp contains 1.6 per cent of dextrose and 0.9 per cent of cane sugar (Mr. Both, in Dragendorff's Heilpflanzen, 1899, p. 650). The coloring matter of the pumpkin is due to carotin (Jahresb. der Pharm., 1896, p. 84).

Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.—Mucilaginous, taenicide, and diuretic, and of service in strangury and urinary affections, also in gastriti

s, enteritis, and febrile diseases. The infusion may be drank freely. The expressed oil of the pumpkin seeds, in doses of 6 to 12 drops, several

times a day, is said to be a most certain and efficient diuretic, giving quick relief in scalding of urine, spasmodic affections of the urinary passages, and has cured gonorrhoea. Half a fluid ounce of oil of pumpkin seeds, taken upon a fasting stomach, repeated in 2 hours, and in another 2 hours followed by a dose of castor oil containing 1/2 fluid ounce of the pumpkin-seed oil, has been effectual in removing tapeworm. The following mixture has been found efficient in the removal of tapeworm: Take of the ethereal oil of pumpkin seeds, 1 fluid ounce; ethereal extract of male fern, 1 fluid drachm; sugar, 2 drachms; water, 4 fluid ounces

; rub the oil with the sugar, then the extract, and finally add, gradually, the water. One-fourth of this is a dose, to be repeated every hour. An infusion of the seeds has also been found effectual in removing tapeworm. The method now chiefly pursu

ed is to have the patient fast for a day and take a saline cathartic to wash the intestinal mucus, etc., from the worm. Then, the patient being kept in bed to prevent emesis, administer to him 3 doses of 1/3 of a pint each, every 2 hours, of an emulsion prepared from the fresh seeds beaten with pulverized sugar and diluted with milk or water. After a

few hours, a purgative, like castor oil, may be administered to aid in the expulsion of the worm. This is also effectual in removing the roundworm. It was formerly believed that the taenifuge properties resided in the external covering of the seeds, but later investigations do not confirm this view.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Which Camping Trip Was it that Led to Jason's Lyme?

I call myself a Lyme Survivor. Those of us who have lived through Lyme to talk about it, have much to express about 
the "Lyme Controversy". My son, J., and I were diagnosed by Dr. M. in June 2006 with Late Lyme and multiple co-infections.
The diagnosis was clinical, the only accepted diagnosis in Canada.
We each had one Lyme test done and they both came back "borderline" for bb (Lyme). Antibodies for Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Bartonella, and Epstein Barr were also found in our blood. 

Dr. M. suspects we both are also infected with Babesia according to our symptom history for years; and also that J. may have been initially infected July 1989. That summer we had gone on a camping trip from London Ontario to the New Jersey Shore trough upper New York State.

My son's youth was riddled with seemingly not connected health issues.
J.'s health issues ranged from stuttering that started at age 3, a few months after we went camping in N.J.(he was speaking in fluent sentences already at 2 1/2), to a burst appendix at age 8. He grew up with leg pains and "allergic" rashes, asthma and more. 

At 15 he had a run in with Mono. that was very severe! He remembers a significant part of his growing up being affected by health issues.

In May 2000 J. got bit by a tick while on a school field trip. The tick was tested and it was "negative" (not certain for what though since there are hundreds of strains of bb plus co-infections)

We know for sure J. got infected at least one time when a bulls-eye rash appeared about 2002, so large on his leg, that we did not recognize it as a bulls-eye till years later.

It was after that his health took an even worse downward spiral. J. was having an increasingly difficult time keeping up with school work and his delicate health. Also trying to live a normal active teenager's lifestyle, he noticed he had to cut short activities and severe reactions to foods at times. His body seemed to also retain weight.


He calculated early that no matter what he ate, his body would gain weight, so much more readily than his friends. I was always pushing the healthy eating and even had fed him the 4 Day Rotation diet as a toddler. 

He was bored with our way of eating, gluten free and Vegan too for years and so rebelled a bit against our non-mainstream way of living, and loved his junk food for a while. I too got lazy during the single mother years of 2 children under 12! 

Our diet started to include foods that were not the best choices.
This I suspect further aggravated health concerns of course.
Since this could turn into a book, so I will fast forward ahead to keep this to a brief note for now.

Having gone through all of this J. now eats a very strict diet of only few foods as his body at age 20 pretty well just gave out. Right around the time he got diagnosed (June 2006), he was also just hitting that worst stage! His liver apparently may have been swollen for years.

Jason received the liver diagnosis Dec. 2007 after having been in constant pain under the right ribs for months and months and also unable to digest most foods.

Religiously drinking re-mineralized distilled water ,1/2 his body weight in oz min. per day, could usually prevent emergency room visits. Yet the slightest thing would set him off. Perfume, or toxic wood burning in a neighbour's fireplace, or even non-organic foods could pose a problem.

It seemed his body was so toxic that it would start shutting down the digestive tract. J. re-visited fasting, and semi-fasting, having tried it a few years back.

Jason found relief in eating almost nothing, continually refining his diet to the point of gluten free, sugr free, mostly casein free plus much more. He is now healing slowly and I will dedicate another post to what he has been doing that seems to be working.

J. at Ipperwash Summer 2009 taking pics of Lex and Jess during the beautiful sunset on Lake Huron.

Friday, August 7, 2009

My Journal on Supplements - Aug 6/09

The purpose in writing this journal is to help me keep track of what my son and I are doing in our Lyme healing journey. Since I would also like to share this information with those interested I felt it necessary to do up a quick draft of what we are doing presently. The first short part is about what we have currently added to our protocol. The rest of this entry is information from The Hansa Center's website on what the supplements are for.

July 11 2009, I started to take Neuro-Antitox II Basic from Jernigan Neutracuticals – 1 or 2 times per day. After a couple of weeks I have increased the Basic Neuro formula to 2 times per day, always, and the CNS (Central Nervous System) once per day.

At the same time started taking 1 or 2 MolyB per day.

(see next page for descriptions of supplements used)

Jason, my son is taking the CNS Formula 3 times per day at 4 weeks- after slowly working up from 1 or 2 per day. He prefers to take only that one formula for now, along with 1 or MolyB’s.

We received Microbojen™, Cardio Formula and Musculo/Skeletal Formula on Aug 6 2009 by airmail.

(Along with both of Dr. Jernigan’s books)

Background Info on Formulas/ Supplements

Neuro-Antitox II Basic™

Made by Jernigan Nutraceuticals

The Basic formula is good for global detoxification of the Lyme toxins, heavy metals, and for those who are unsure which specific Neuro-Antitox II™ Formula to take. This formula does not contain any sarcobioenergetic potencies.

The chief ingredient in all of the Neuro-Antitox II™ formulas is a novel use botanical, Silphium laciniatum. Out of 5000 different natural botanicals, minerals, nutraceuticals, and pharmaceuticals tested using Bio-Resonance Scanning™, Silphium tested superior to them all for detoxifying the Lyme-specific neurotoxins.

The Neuro-Antitox II™ formulas also contain the next best substance identified as a synergistic (supportive) botantical along with the Silphium -- Pale Spike Lobelia. The only difference between the Musculo-Skeletal, and CNS/PNS formulas is the use of Sarco-bioenergetic Potencies™, which may act as driving agents (to direct the Silphium and Pale Spike to the specific tissues where they are needed, instead of just circulating around the body randomly).

The Basic formula does not have any of these Sarcobioenergetic Potencies™ and is therefore good when you are not sure which formula you need, or for more global symptoms.

The combined effect of these key ingredients makes the Neuro-Antitox II™ Formulas an absolute necessity in any wellrounded treatment plan.

To minimize any Herxheimer reaction, I recommend that Neuro-Antitox II™ dietary supplement be taken for at least one week before beginning any antibiotic or other medical/alternative treatment. Remember, Herxheimer reactions are caused by toxins, and the Neuro-Antitox II™ Formulas are designed to mop up, bind up, and break down these Lyme-related toxins to eliminate any adverse reactions to the Lyme bacteria die-offs.

Besides Silphium laciniatum's function as an amazing anti-neurotoxin, it was successfully used in times long passed to treat various cancers, all forms of asthma, and bronchitis, and it was effective in breaking down mucus in the tissues. Resonance testing reveals that Silphium may also bind heavy metals and break down isopropyl alcohol and benzene accumulations, adding to its phenomenal arsenal of beneficial effects.

Overall detoxification can be supported by simply drinking eight ounces of purified water every hour to keep the everyday metabolic toxins flushed out of the tissues. Some patients have difficulty drinking water, so putting fresh lemon juice or Ningxia Red™ wolfberry juice in the cool (but not cold) water makes it easier to drink more water per day.

As a general recommendation, take 1-2 droppers, 2-3 times per day, with or without food. It may be that you have to use more than one formula if there are problems in multiple areas, in which case 1-2 droppers are recommended from each corresponding Formula.

Perfect-7 Protocol Dosage:

  • Teens-adults: Take 1-2 droppers under the tongue, 2-3 times per day, 10 minutes away from food or drink
  • 7-13 years of age: 1 dropper, 2 times per day.
  • Use 10 drops, 2-3 times per day for children under 6 years of age. Always consult your natural health professional before starting any child on any herbal formula.

Ingredients: Silphium laciniatum aerial extract and Pale Spike Lobelia aerial extract, Crystal Clear™ Distilled Water, and 20% pharmaceutical-grade alcohol.

Perfect-7 Protocol © 2008 Dr. David A. Jernigan and Hansa Center for Optimum Health Inc.

CNS/PNS is for those suffering primarily from problems in the brain, meninges, and peripheral nerves from Lyme toxins and heavy metals. Indications include, but are not limited to, cognitive disturbances, dizziness, vertigo, disturbances in vision, neuritis (nerve inflammation), neuralgia (nerve pain), numbness, palsies, and headaches.

As a general recommendation, take 1-3 droppers, 2-3 times per day, with or without food. It may be that you have to use more than one formula if there are problems in multiple areas, in which case 1-2 droppers are recommended from each corresponding Formula

Molybdenum (MolyB) is a trace mineral that can dramatically aid in the detoxification of the toxins caused by the dysfunction of multiple tissues in chronic illness. Molybdenum is very useful for detoxifying the toxin aldehyde from the die-off of Candida-type yeast. This is important to Lyme sufferers due to the fact that aldehydes are also considered neurotoxins, or nerve poisons. Aldehydes are also the toxins responsible for the hangover experienced by drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. I know of many Lyme patients who complain of this hung-over feeling without having drunk any alcohol. (However, it is our experience that it will not completely detoxify the specific Bb toxin.) Taking molybdenum will help slow the degeneration of tissues and related symptoms from the toxic overload.

Instead of taking a pain killer for a headache, Molybdenum can be taken for a toxic headache instead.

One can also take it before consuming any alcohol. The Molybdenum will bind the alcohol and will help prevent any buzz or hang over.

Molybdenum ingredients: Molybdenum, Glycine, Aspartic Acid, Citric Acid, Soy Protein Powder, Maltodextrin, and Rice Powder. Vegetarian capsules.

Musculo/Skeletal formula is for those suffering primarily from muscle and joint problems as the result of Lyme toxins and heavy metals. Indications: Muscle and joint pain and weakness, sensations in the extremities of burning, tingling, radiating pain, swelling, arthritic, and rheumatic conditions.

As a general recommendation, take 1-3 droppers, 2-3 times per day, with or without food. It may be that you have to use more than one formula if there are problems in multiple areas, in which case 1-2 droppers are recommended from each corresponding Formula

Use Cardio for those suffering primarily from heart problems from Lyme toxins and heavy metals. Indications: angina, palpitations, hypertension, arrhythmia, valve problems, shoulder and arm pain, shortness of breath, chronic fatigue.

Microbojen™ is the broadest-acting formula I have developed. The spectrum and complexity of the microbes factored into this frequency-matched formula far surpasses any real-life scenario of possible infection, short of biological warfare. It is a well-balanced and gentle formula for all of its power in facilitating the body's own integrity in the presence of an amazing array of the world's worst microbes.

Perfect-7 Protocol Microbojen™ Dosage:

  • Teens-adults: Take 1-2 droppers, 2-3 times per day in water, with or without food.
  • 7-13 years of age: 1 dropper, 2 times per day in water.
  • Use 10 drops, 2-3 times per day for children under 6 years of age. Always consult your natural health professional before starting any child on any herbal formula.

Like all of the Jernigan Nutraceuticals formulas, Microbojen™ is frequency-matched to provide the body with the information and building blocks it needs to overcome and control specific problems. None of the formulations of Lymogen™, Borrelogen™, or Microbojen™ treat disease in the classic sense of the term. They are not "antibiotics," although they provide the body with the specific informational frequencies needed to overcome and control microbes. They are instead designed to work with God's design of the human body, instead of "doing for the body what the body should do for itself," as most prescription drugs do.

Microbojen™ was initially developed in an effort to prepare for the worst-case scenario of biological warfare. Bio-Resonance Scanning™ was used to simulate the worst condition we could think of. We simulated that "if" a person had, all at the same time, the following microbes, what corrective frequencies would the body need to overcome them?

We tested for a hypothetical person infected with Lyme Borrelia, smallpox, anthrax, HIV, hepatitis B and C, West Nile Virus, Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus, and Bubonic plaque, all at the same time.

Obviously, this is an unlikely event; however, by formatting the test for such a condition, it is likely that the resulting botanical formula, Microbojen™, will be highly effective against a wide range of the world's worst "designer microbes." The end result of this research, Microbojen™, just so happens to test amazingly well against an equally evil microbe -- Lyme spirochetes and their partners, Babesia microti, Ehrlichia, and the many viruses found in chronic sufferers.

Microbojen™ ingredients: Tragopogon planta (tota), Isatis root, Lasiosphaera fungus, Scrophularia root, Oldenlandia herb, Moutan peony bark, Phellodendron bark, Poria cocos sclerotium, Glycerrhizae uralnsis radix, Crystal Clear™ Distilled Water, and 20% pharmaceutical-grade alcohol.

All suggested supplements are our best recommendation and never should be considered a prescription. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The product(s) mentioned on this page are designed to improve the functional performance of the human body, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult your own personal physician before beginning any prescription medications, natural supplement, or treatment program, especially if you are pregnant or nursing.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Lyme Love on a Mission

Lyme Love was started to advocate for all those affected by Lyme Disease and TBI's (Tick-borne infections).

To address and support the needs of those living through Lyme, as well as their families and loved ones; serving to educate about the harsh realities of how wide-spread Lyme has become.

Since most Lyme patients have faced more than their fair share of opposition on the journey to getting medical treatmen
t, Lyme Love is here to help bring a spirit of compassion.

More effective medical support is direly needed. Far too may people are suffering, needlessly, silently, even dying. With readily available medical treatment the Lyme epidemic could be held at bay.

Many people believe that with reliable testing the statistics would show that Lyme is growing at a rate faster than AIDS! We ask ourselves then, "Why are Lyme patients finding themselves caught in a political debate over the definition of Lyme Disease?".

Lyme Love was created to help give a voice to the thousands of Lyme patients, both those already diagnosed and those
mis and un-diagnosed.

We deserve medical treatment! While the medical community debates over the definitions and criteria, we are still sick.

All those who have survived Lyme are truly pioneers with unrelenting determination. Those "in-the-know" about Lyme understand that with early detection and treatment Lyme has a much higher success rate of being fully healed.

The medical community must listen! We are not going to just go away! We demand accurate, readily available, affordable testing. We demand access to the best known treatments.
Those with M.S., Autism, A.L.S., Parkinsons, Fibro, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lupus, (plus many other conditions) all deserve to be tested for TBI's, to determine what part Lyme may have played in their illnesses.

We deserve the truth about where Lyme came from and what information has been suppressed from the public.

Our voices cannot be silenced! We have suffered long enough. Countless numbers of us battling Lyme ourselves are also mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters of Lyme "victims". It is common for several members in the same family to all have Lyme, many the entire family, in Lyme endemic regions.

Many of us were angry so long that our anger has now transformed into sheer determination.

We demand to be have our medical needs re-examined fully.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Questions About Lyme

10 Questions to Ask About Lyme

1) How many people are being infected by Lyme? How many more are misdiagnosed or undiagnosed?

2) What % of ticks
are infected in your backyard and the parks you frequent?

3) Does your doctor know the early symptoms of Lyme and TBI's (Tick borne infections) and will he/she be able to provide you with reliable testing should you get infected?

4) Have you been to Endemic regions and do you know where they are?

5) Are you aware o
f the risks involved from a tick bite and do you know how to ensure your safety?

6) What is the most effective treatment protocol for both acute and late Lyme infections?

7) If I should get Lyme, how many doctors will it take to get accurately diagnosed and how long will it take?

8) Who's "responsible" to find an effective quicker treatment for Lyme? Who's to cover the bill for the health care costs and lost income due to late diagnosis?

9) Why are we in denial in Canada that we have a major TBI problem? Do ticks stop at the border?

10) Why are WE letting this epidemic fly under the radar??

These questions are me
ant to get you thinking about the realities of Lyme Disease and Tick Borne Infections.

Early diagnosis greatly increases one's chances of getting fully well more quickly.

The public deserves to know about this epidemic.

What You Need to Know

You May Have It And Not Know It

Lyme Disease Is No Walk In The Park

Find Out What You Need To Know
Lyme disease is a bacterial spirochete (organism) transmitted by ticks. The name of the particular bacteria is Borrelia Burgdorferi. Many people do not know how widespread the Lyme disease epidemic is and the high odds that someone they know may be affected. Please take a few moments to read the following facts that demonstrate the seriousness of the disease and how it can be prevented.

The above paragraph is taken from the Turn the Corner Foundation's website.
Please follow the link above to read the rest of the article.

Official Statement from Daryl Hall about George Bush and Lyme Disease

Los Angeles, CA - August 9, 2007 - The news that President George W. Bush has been suffering from Lyme Disease for more than a year really caught the attention of Daryl Hall, one-half of the world's biggest-selling music duo of all time Daryl Hall & John Oates, and someone who was also diagnosed with the illness over two years ago.
Hall is hoping the President's admission will focus more attention on the causes and antidotes of the little-known malady: "While I'm sorry when anyone gets Lyme disease, maybe it takes a person in power to draw attention to what all of us who have the disease, are going through. The withholding of information for a year points out the confusing politics of the disease. Now, George Bush can feel our pain."
Caused by a bite from an infected blacklegged tick often found on a deer, Lyme disease symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue and a characteristic skin rash. If left untreated, infection can spread to joints, the heart and the nervous system. Most cases of Lyme disease can be treated successfully with a few weeks of antibiotics. Steps to prevent Lyme disease include using insect repellent, removing ticks promptly, landscaping and integrated pest management. The ticks that transmit Lyme disease can occasionally transmit other tick-borne diseases as well.

Stay Well
Lyme Love