Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Problems and Solutions of a "Lyme Life"

What strategies do you use to get through a typical day in your life with Lyme. Some days I wonder how much I have improved overall in "fighting" the Lyme. If I keep a balance in life as a whole, then my body is strong enough to have a chance. It is my theory and since I am not a medical doctor it is only my humble opinion however I think that Lyme and tick borne infections can be "suffocated" out of existence in our bodies. By altering the PH of the body to a healthy 7.4 approx and thus helping support our cellular structure. We are what we eat.

Remembering to breath deeply and slowly may sound elementary, yet how many of us can say we do it most of the time. Our state of mind is also affecting our bodies PH balance constantly. So see the glass half full. Never allow an illness to make you feel powerless in your own life. Your are not your illness, you are going through an experience that can be temporary if you believe it is. Without that belief it will be an even greater challenge to heal.

I am certainly more aware these years of how long I sit in the same position. So blogging will likely become a quite comfortable form of communication for my passions.

The problems with chronic illness are many. An "invisible" illness has even greater obstacles to pioneer the way through.

Please contact me and tell me what you need to get well. I would like to help us unite our efforts.
I like being a "Lyme Coach"- I'm not here to tell you which path to choose, but rather to give you support as you rebuild your life after Lyme. Many of us are healing and need to join hands quite seriously and take care of this growing epidemic.






Saturday, March 7, 2009

Launching Lyme Love

Launching Lyme Love

"Lyme Love" will serve to be a space to share about my family's journey living through Lyme and co-infections.